We are Michele, Matteo e Mattia, 3 quite different minds that can always agree on a few key things:
“we love good wine, the natural products of this beautiful e wild land and the idea of bringing them to the world. We don’t like pesticides, doctrine that is an end in itself and people who take themselves too seriously.”

and the old Quarry
The hearth of our production is an old limestone quarry, located at the top of a hill on the northern part of Val d’ Illasi (Verona – Italy), abandoned in the 70s and reconverted by us in a very unique vineyard.
In 1922 opens “Le Cave” quarry to extract limestone for the ITALCEMENTI factory of Tregnago.
In 1963 the cement factory, the most important of the valley at the time, was closed down and in 1975 Le Cave quarry was closed as well.

In 2003 begins the project to convert the site in a landfill, designed to stock over 1,000,000 cubic meters of hazardous waste.
The same year we started planting our vineyards on the southern border of the Quarry.
In 2004, following the opposition of 49 civil society’s organisations and various protests, which involved thousands of members of the local communities, the dump project was finally dismissed.
From 2006 we started clearing the land, planting new vineyards and renovating the old and abandoned buildings.
In 2012 we founded Tasi to start producing wines from the old Quarry.
In 2013, after 10 years of hard work, finally opens Tenuta Le Cave Wine Relais and Organic Farm.
The old industrial buildings have been converted into rooms and suites, a restaurant with a breathtaking view over the valley, a wine shop that offers tasting and tours everyday and a charming spa.